




  1. 草类植物种质创制与分子细胞学鉴定
  2. 草类植物杂交与诱变育种
  3. 草类植物种质遗传变异及主要性状形成的遗传机制研究


E-mail:lijianjian2015@cnbg.net  Tel:025-84347054


  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32072608,假俭草两类不同耐铝性基因型种质对高铝毒的根系细胞应答及耐性差异机制,01-2024.12,主持
  2. 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK20171327,假俭草茎呈色关键基因查尔酮合成酶(CHS)的功能研究,07-2020.06,主持
  3. 江苏省农业科技自主创新项目, 基于高能重离子束辐射的假俭草种质创制与诱变育种关键技术研发,07-2024.06,主持
  4. 江苏省重点实验室开放基金项目,JSPKLB201841,假俭草耐铝的细胞与分子机制解析,09-2020.08,主持
  5. 中国科学院重大科技基础设施开放共享课题项目,2022-HIRFL-ZD-001890,基于重离子束辐照诱变的假俭草抗旱突变筛选及机理研究,09-2023.08,主持


  1. Wang J.#, Zi H.#, Wang R., Liu J., Wang H., Chen R., Li L., Guo H., Chen J., Li J.*, Zong J.*. A high-quality chromosome-scale assembly of the centipedegrass [Eremochloa ophiuroides(Munro) Hack.] genome provides insights into chromosomal structural evolution and prostrate growth habit. Hortic. Res. 2021, 8: 201.
  2. Li J., Ali E.F., Majrashi A., Eissa M.A.*, Ibrahim O.H.M. Compost Enhances Forage Yield and Quality of River Saltbush in Arid Conditions. Agriculture 2021, 11: 595.
  3. Li J., Chang Y., AL-Huqail A. A.*, Ding Z., Al-Harbi M.S., Ali E.F., Abeed A.H. A., Rekaby S.A., Eissa M.A.*, Ghoneim A.M., Tammam S.A. Effect of Manure and Compost on the Phytostabilization Potential of Heavy Metals by the Halophytic Plant Wavy-Leaved Saltbush. Plants 2021, 10: 2173
  4. Li J.,Guo H., Zong J., Chen J., Li D., Liu J.*Genetic diversity in centipedegrass [Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.]. Hortic. Res. 2020, 7: 4.
  5. Li J., Ma , Guo H., Zong J., Chen J., Wang Y., Li D., Li L., Wang J., Liu J.*Growth and physiological responses of two phenotypically distinct accessions of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.) to salt stress. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 2018, 126: 1‒10.
  6. Li J., Zong , Chen J., Wang Y., Li D., Li L., Wang J., Guo H., Liu J.*De novo assembly and comparative transcriptome analysis reveals genes potentially involved in tissue-color changes in centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides [Munro] Hack.).  Plant Physiol. Bioch. 2018, 130: 345‒355.
  7. 7. Li J., Guo H., Wang Y., Zong J., Chen J., Li D., Li L., Wang J., Liu J.* High-throughput SSR marker development and its application in a centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.) genetic diversity analysis. PLoS ONE. 2018, 13: e0202605. 
  8. Li J., Zhou R., Endo T.R., Stein Ni.*High-throughput development of SSR markers and their chromosomal assignment in rye. Plant Breed. 2018, 137: 561‒572.
  9. Ma , Wang Y., Zong J., Zhang B., Chen J., Li D., Li L., Guo H., Liu J.,Li J.*, She J. High-efficiency plant regeneration from immature inflorescence derived callus cultures of two phenotypically distinct accessions of centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides). Int. J. Agric. Biol. 2018, 20: 375‒381.
  10. Li J., Gyawali Y.P., Zhou R., Stein N., Nasuda S., Endo T.R.*Comparative study of the structure of chromosome 1R derived from Secale montanum and Secale cereale. Plant Breed. 2016, 134: 675‒ 
  11. Li J., Endo T.R, Saito M., Ishikawa G., Nakamura T., Nasuda S.*Homoeologous relationship of rye chromosome arms as detected with wheat PLUG markers. Chromosoma 2013, 122: 555‒
  12. Li J., Nasuda S.*, Endo T.R. Dissection of rye chromosomes by the gametocidal system. Genes Genet. Syst. 2013, 88: 321‒


  1. 获奖奖项:江苏省科学技术奖二等奖,高抗优质主要暖季型草坪草种质发掘与创新利用. 2021.01.07,排名第7
  2. 新品种及保护权:‘苏植5号’结缕草新品种. 品种登记号: 全国草品种审定委员会. 审定日期:2018.8.15,排名第4


  1. 一种以幼穗为外植体建立假俭草高效再生体系的方法. 专利号:ZL 201610926203.2,授权日期:08.14,排名第1
  2. 一种假俭草种质的指纹图谱的构建方法及其应用. 专利号:ZL 201811423843.7,授权日期:11.24,排名第1
  3. 一种改良简化的植物染色体荧光原位杂交方法. 专利号:ZL 201510830111.X,授权日期:09.03,排名第1